Looking to Expand Your Business into the United States?
Littler, Asena Advisors, FD Global Connections, Business SA and the government of South Australia will host a market briefing for
companies looking to enter the U.S. market. The event will feature experts to discuss the pitfalls and successes of expanding into the U.S.
and include:
- Setting up a company
- Immigration under the Trump Administration and what visa options are available
- Engaging contractors
- Local employment issues
- Obtaining investors
- Other global issues to consider in U.S. expansion
- USA Go-To-Market Strategies
- Naomi Seddon, Shareholder
- Trena Blair, CEO, FD Global Connection
- Aman Mullee, Senior Internaonal Tax Consultant
Please RSVP with event, city and date to Susan Hanks at [email protected]
The event will be held at
The Atrium
Business SA
136 Greenhill Road
Unley, SA 5061
On the 25th March 2019 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Program is complimentary.