Grantor Trust
What Is A Grantor Trust? According to the IRS, a grantor trust is one in which the grantor, i.e. the settlor establishing the...Read more

International Estate Planning: Which US States Have Ratified the “International Will Treaty”?
Between October 16th and 26th of 1973, Washington D.C. held the Diplomatic Convention on Wills to discuss providing a uniform law on the...Read more

International Estate Planning: Estate Structuring for Australians who are US Citizens or Green Card Holders
Consider this scenario: You and your spouse are Australians with US citizenship or green cards, and intend to live in the US indefinitely....Read more

Structuring Australian Inheritances for US Citizens and Green Card Holders – Testator Considerations
How should your estate be structured if one of your children lives in the US and intends to do so indefinitely? This is an...Read more

International Estate Planning: Issues with Jointly Held Assets
A “U.S. person” (citizen or green card holder) is subject to estate and gift taxes on their worldwide assets – i.e. regardless of...Read more