US Market Entry

The United States is the most attractive growth target for most foreign businesses. Whether they are a well funded start up, or an established business that has strong penetration in a foreign market, the U.S. still represents the holy grail of business for most entrepreneurs.

When entering a new market any entrepreneur should be assessing where they are at in their business life cycle and be asking themselves whether they are building long term cash flow or building a business for sale.

This is a very critical question. A structure that is suitable for long term cash flow may not be suitable for a high growth business that is looking to raise capital in the U.S. market or to sell on an aggressive timeline.

Foreign businesses entering the U.S. market are faced with various decisions, such as which type of U.S. entity to use and which state to organize under. Additionally, foreign businesses and their owners must be sure that they are complying with state and federal income tax laws, sale tax laws, employment tax laws, and various personal and real property tax laws both in their home country and in the U.S. Failure to properly comply with federal and state tax laws can result in a substantial discount to the sale price paid for your business in the future.

Asena Advisors are experts in this arena of international tax law and market entry. We know how to navigate U.S. domestic and international tax laws and ensure that your actions today do not play a role in discounting the value of your business or salability in the future.

Asena Advisors. We Protect Wealth.

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